What is BioPipe Technology STP Plant?
Biopipe is safeguarded by licenses and exclusive cycles. Since its presentation, it has been very generally welcomed and broadly recognized. Long periods of innovative work has created one of the most reasonable, eco-accommodating and practical wastewater treatment arrangements on the planet.
Biopipe Technology STP Plant can be utilized in segregated houses, business and multi-family structures, lodgings, medical clinics, modern edifices, campsites and parks.
With its little impression and versatility, Biopipe can be introduced any place wastewater is created, paying little heed to estimate and limit.
How it works?
Unlike other traditional wastewater systems Biopipe produce NO SLUDGE, NO ODOUR, NO SOUND AND NO WASTE. Biopipe brings energy consumption to a minimum as it can store wastewater in a horizontal position which better distributes water pressure and require less energy as compared to other systems, which can only use vertical pipes.
1) A sewage water tank is used to store the inorganic waste and wastewater (gray and black water).
2) Circulation pump separate the organic materials and to propel water into Biopipe.
3) Biopipe bacteria engages with pollutants and eliminates them from wastewater. Air is automatically vacuumed in by the pressure difference to create ideal ambient condition for rapid growth of bacteria and accelerate aerobic digestion
4) Wastewater then passes through a cartridge filter or equivalent and a UV filter to complete the treatment. The treated water can then be used directly or stored in a clean water tank.
How much area need for BioPipe Technology?
1 m3/d | 12 kwh/d | 1 m2 |
5 m3/d | 16 kwh/d | 4 m2 |
10 m3/d | 20 kwh/d | 8 m2 |
20 m3/d | 28 kwh/d | 8 m2 |
25 m3/d | 32 kwh/d | 10 m2 |
30 m3/d | 36 kwh/d | 12 m2 |
50 m3/d | 52 kwh/d | 12 m2 |
80 m3/d | 86 kwh/d | 21 m2 |
100 m3/d | 120 kwh/d | 36 m2 |
120 m3/d | 130 kwh/d | 36 m2 |
150 m3/d | 145 kwh/d | 44 m2 |
180 m3/d | 155 kwh/d | 44 m2 |
200 m3/d | 160 kwh/d | 68 m2 |
250 m3/d | 165 kwh/d | 75 m2 |
300 m3/d | 171 kwh/d | 78 m2 |
350 m3/d | 175 kwh/d | 78 m2 |
500 m3/d | 250 kwh/d | 114 m2 |
550 m3/d | 270 kwh/d | 114 m2 |
600 m3/d | 334 kwh/d | 150 m2 |
800 m3/d | 410 kwh/d | 186 m2 |
1000 m3/d | 600 kwh/d | 186 m2 |
BioPipe Technology Advantages?
It is the result of years of R&D that has produced one of the most sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective wastewater treatment solutions in the world.
Why Choose BioPipe Technology?
Eco Friendly:
- Unlike other traditional wastewater systems Biopipe produces NO SLUDGE, NO ODOUR, NO SOUND AND NO WASTE.
- NO CHEMICALS are required to operate the Biopipe biological wastewater treatment system.
Scalable with a flexible modular design:
- Biopipe can treat wastewater generated by a single house of two people to a small city – just as efficiently.
- Unlike other systems, which require a starting operational capacity of 80%, Biopipe can operate at only 10% capacity.
- Biopipe is a simple Lego-like modular construction. The size of the modules is based on the requirements of each project and can be assembled contiguously or consecutively in a short time span.
- The system is compact, easy to transport, install and operate.
Cost efficient:
- Biopipe brings energy consumption to a minimum because it stores wastewater in a horizontal position that better distributes water pressure and requires less energy when compared to other systems which use vertical tanks.
- No blowers involved for air intake, which reduces energy consumption.
- Unlike other wastewater treatment systems, Biopipe only uses specially made PVC pipes and is not made of different hardware and materials, which result in higher costs.
- Biopipe doesn’t need a lot of space and can be easily installed in a basement, on an elevated structure or on a rooftop which saves the cost of land/real estate.
To know more information about this technology call us: +8801771646625; or Visit us.