We’re Importer & Supplier for Digital Electromagnetic Water, Vortex Steam & Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter in Bangladesh.
What & Why Digital Meter?
In industry, we raw water from the ground and use it for production. To know how much water we are using in this production, a flowmeter is placed at the beginning of the lift according to the size of the pipe which shows how much water has flowed.
Flow meters are used at outlets to determine how much water we are discharging into sewers, rivers or the environment at the end of production. Flow meters are also used to find out how much water we are using for production on a machine. It can be digital or analog.
However, the accuracy of the digital meter is good so it is reasonable to use it.
Total Envirotech Solutions is committed to delivering best quality Digital Electromagnetic, Vortex & Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter to meet this demand.
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Water Flow Meter
Vortex Type Digital Air/Steam/Gas Flow Meter I Vortex Flow Meter