About TES

Total Envirotech Solutions is an Environmental Engineering and Trading Company in Bangladesh. TES has opportunity to supply different types of ETP Machinery & Equipment, Safety Equipment Etc.

ETP Machinery & Equipment: We have scope of supply different types of Nano Bubble Air Diffuser, Coarse Bubble Air Diffuser, Electromagnetic Flow Meter, Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter, Wastewater Transfer Pump, Mud Pump, Sewage Pump, Effluent Transfer Pump, Chemical Dosing Pump, Acid Dosing Pump, Screw Press Machine, Filter Press Machine, Automatic Chemical Dosing System, Air Blower, Vortex Air Blower, ETP Blower, Mechanical Drum Screen, Rotary Brush Screen, Mechanical Bar Screen, Online DO Monitoring System, Online pH Monitoring System, Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Laboratory Equipments (DO Meter, pH Meter, TDS Meter, Conductivity Meter, Salinity Meter, Jar Tester, pH Test Strip, Temperature Meter, Incubator, Digital balance etc.) Diffuser Shaddle Etc.

Safety Equipment: We have scope of supply different types of Emergency Eye Wash Station, Unicare Eye Wash Station, Eye Wash Station with Shower, Rubber Hand Gloves, Surgical Hand Gloves, Chemical Handling Gloves, Leather Hand Gloves, Electrical Hand Gloves, N95 Mask, Mallcom FFP2 Mask, Surgical Mask, Safety Helmet, Construction Workers Helmet, High Visible Safety Vest, Reflective Safety Vest, Worker Vest, Universal Chemical Spill Kit, Chemical Spill Kit, Fuel Spill Kit, Full Body Safety Belt, Rakcin Apron, Leather Apron, Ear Protector, Ear Muff, Ear Plug, Full Body Chemical Suit, Rain Coat, Sagety Goggles, Eye Protector, Personal Protective Equipment, Medical Gown, Certified Medical Gown, Boiler Room Dress, Heat Resistant Dress, Spill Containment, Secondary Containment, Spill Pallet, Welding Leg Guard, Welding Hand Guard, Security Equipment Etc.

According to the Demand of Wastewater Treatment, Compliance Products at aggressive and sensible cost in opportune conveyance to the client. Heartiest thanks for business with us.

Total Envirotech Solutions dependably has faith in best quality technology and sustainable works when its require round the clock.

We are always committed to make sustainable and efficient use of resources in our own communities and throughout the world to ensure we keep our planet green for the better future generations.