GT-50 Goldentech Roots Air Blower:
We’re Importer & Supplier for ETP Blower, Bioflock Using Blower & GT 65 Roots Air Blower in Bangladesh.
Why Use?
For areating your biofloc plant, effluent treatment plant, sewage treatment plant use our highly efficient blower to get best performance. Click Here to know more.
Product Specification:
Positive Displacement GT 65 Roots Air Blower in Bangladesh
Blower type: Roots
Model: G- 65
Capacity: up to 220 m3/hr
Pressure: 0.7 kgf/cm2
Cooling Type: Air
Brand: Greatech
Origin: Taiwan
Motor Specification:
Type: Squirrel cage Induction motor
Rating: 7.5 HP, 3 Phase, 415V, 50Hz
Class: IP 54
Speed: 1450 RPM
Time duty: Continuous
Noise: 70 DB
Include Complete Following Accessories: Base Common, Safety Valve, Pressure Gauge, Motor Pulley & V-Belts, Belt Guard, Suction & Discharge Silencer, Flexible joint Check Valve and Short pipe.
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